The SPF has run a variety of workshops over the years including Portrait Workshops, Judging Workshops, AV Workshops and PAGB Awards Workshops.
Currently running are PAGB Awards Workshops and Judges Assessment Days. Further details on both can be found below..
These Days are currently free and are open to all SPF club members, but there are pre-requirements, and generally these events must be pre-booked.
More details on the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit can be found on it's dedicated pages of this website. For How to Apply (click here) and to visit the SPF Results webpage (click here) for lots of images and links to successful CPAGB, DPAGB and MPAGB panels.
Full details on the 'SPF Judges Assessment Day' or more details on 'How to Become an SPF Judge' can be found by visiting the 'Interested in Becoming a Judge or Lecturer' page of this website (click here)
All you need to know about the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit is given on the following page (click here) for examples of successful Scottish applicants visit the following page (click here)
EVENT 1 – All Day Workshop Assessment Day Sat 21st Sept 2024 at Carluke, URC Church Hall run by the SPF - This FREE event must be pre-booked. Bookings are now being taken. Please complete the booking form supplied with this notice - return by 14th Sept – limited spaces.
EVENT 2 – Presentation and Q&A ‘on zoom’ Mon 4th Nov 2024 at 7pm This FREE event requires no pre-booking. Club groups can attend if they wish. Please email Libby by 30th October if you are not on her APM mailing list, to ensure you receive the zoom link for this event which will be sent out to everyone by 1st Nov.
EVENT 3 - All Day Workshop Assessment Day Sun 12th Jan 2025 at Victoria Hall, Dunblane. This FREE event must be pre-booked. We are not yet taking bookings for this event. MORE INFO COMING SOON. Please email Libby if you are not on her APM mailing list to ensure you receive full details when available.
In recent years the PAGB Awards Workshops have been run two or three times a year (typically Jan & Aug/Sept approx), and proved to be extremely popular. The aim of these workshops is to assist those people interested in gaining PAGB Distinctions - BPAGB, CPAGB, DPAGB, EPAGB, MPAGB. These workshops are currently free and are open to all SPF club members. These events are open to observers but observers must still be pre-booked.
These Workshops are tailored to help you through the process of gaining a PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit (BPAGB, CPAGB, DPAGB, EPAGB, MPAGB). Please take the opportunity to attend one of these if you are interested in finding out more whatever stage you are at.
It is recommended but not compulsory that you attend an SPF Awards Workshop and receive advice on what level / medium / or when to apply. You can take along Prints or PDI and find out if your work is of the standard required, and get hints to improve quality.
We have the advantage here in Scotland that the organisers of these workshops are also on the PAGB Awards Sub-committee of every Adjudication - Rod Wheelans, Chairman and Libby Smith PAGB Awards CES upload Technical Support and regular Adjudicator.
Contact Libby Smith for details or visit this workshop area for details of upcoming workshops as soon as details are available.
Please visit the Diary page of this website for up to date details of forthcoming workshops.
Next Assessment Day TBC -
The SPF runs these Assessment Days for those interested in becoming an SPF 'B' Listed accredited Judge. They are for Club members progressing in Judging, indeally for those who are already on the SPF's C List of Judges. Before attending you should have had some practical Judging experience, and submitted a Questionnaire to the SPF.
The purpose of the SPF Judges Assessment Day is to ascertain if you are ready to be added to the SPF’s ‘B’ List of Accredited Judges details of which will be listed in the SPF Directory. This is our opportunity to see prospective 'B' List Judges in action, with a view to inviting a few new faces on to our SPF Judges list. We try to ensure this event is run annually.
Judging Assessment Days are popular, although slightly misunderstood - They are not intended to tell you what Judges are looking for, or how to Judge, but instead are an opportunity for the SPF to invite new Judges on to their list, or for those with some Judging experience to hone their skills. These have now changed their names from 'Workshops' to try and avoid confusion.
Applicants require to complete a 'Questionnaire' which should show if they hold both the knowledge and experience of photography, and that of SPF Club photography, along with the practical experience and/or presentation skills to attend an Assessment Day, with a view to be invited to become an SPF 'B' Listed Judge. We will use the Questionnaire supplied to assess if you already have the experience to benefit from this Assessment Day.
These Assessment Days are free and are open to all SPF club members. These events must be pre-booked, and observers are not permitted. We try to run this event annually.
During the Day we will discuss with you the pleasures and pitfalls of Judging, what clubs will expect, what you should expect, along with presentation skills. You will be asked to demonstrate your own presentation and judging skills with practical presentations.
Those with little or no Judging experience, or those who are not yet ready for an Assessment Day should consider going on to our SPF 'C' List of Judges.
For more information, visit our new dedicated webpage (click here) This page gives further details on the 'SPF Judges Assessment Day' along with the required 'Questionnaire', Guidance Notes, and details to assist all levels of Judges, particularly if you are considering becoming a Judge.