FIAP Biennials are competitions and exhibitions, that are organised on behalf of FIAP (Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique). They are hosted and run by different Countries around the world under conditions laid out by FIAP.
A competition is run in each of the following mediums every two years; Mono Print, Colour Print, Colour Projected Image, Nature Print and Nature Projected Image. These competitions can see upwards of 500 photographs exhibited. FIAP Medals, Trophies and other awards are presented to the top countries and individuals. Visit the NEW FIAP website for full results and awards from FIAP Biennials (click here)
Within each medium, each country chooses its own theme, and puts together a panel of images or prints on that theme aiming to get the entries as coherent as possible. During the competition the panel of entries is given both individual scores for each work, and also a mark for how coherent the panel is. The country with the highest combined score is the winner.
As Scotland is a FIAP member in its own right, it competes separately to the PAGB, as does the Welsh PF who also have their own membership of FIAP. These organisations come together from time to time to co-host FIAP Biennials. The 26th Colour Print Biennial in 2015 is an example of this.
These Biennials count towards your required SPF Pre-qualification for the PAGB Distinctions.
The 34th Monochrome Print Biennial was held in South Africa. Scotland’s chosen theme was “Trees in Winter” for which we had to submit 10 prints from 10 different authors. 40 Countries participated.
A summary of the results is given below -
1st place went to Scotland - Winners of the FIAP World Cup!!! - Details of the winning panel of prints and authors are given below.
2nd place went to Russian Federation - FIAP Gold Medal
3rd place to Argentina - FIAP Silver Medal
4th place to Great Britain (England, N Wales an N Ireland) - FIAP Bronze Medal
On an individual basis Brian Clark of Dundee CC has been awarded the FIAP Gold Medal, the highest individual award possible in the Mono Biennial. So many congratulations to Brian, who I note, also won a FIAP Gold Medal in our previous World Cup win 2010 when the theme was “Winter on Rannoch”.
Our winning panel of mono prints took centre stage at the FIAP Congress Meeting held in Durban, South Africa 11th – 17th Aug 2018. To see more about the FIAP Congress and the Mono Print Biennial Exhibition (Click Here) to read more in the Dec 2018 FIAP News newsletter.
The South African Federation have arranged for the Mono Prints to be exhibited at various venues throughout the country in an effort to promote FIAP in Africa. For those of you unable to travel to South Africa to see it (click here) to visit our website gallery, or go to the New FIAP Website Biennials area to see the whole panel and more info (click here)
Method of Scoring Used - It is important to be aware that all the Biennials are judged initially as “Individual Images” and then a “Coherence” mark is awarded by viewing the panel of images as a whole and taking into account the chosen theme of the entry. The importance of this Coherence mark, which carries a maximum score of 60 points, was well illustrated in determining the ultimate winner of the Mono Print Biennial when Scotland overtook Russia for the top place.
We'll bring you a photo of the World Cup Trophy when it turns up!
Special thanks should go to Robert Fulton of the SPF Executive, who is responsible for putting together this winning FIAP Biennial entry - Well done Robert!!
1 | Kenny | McLean | Winter in Yellowstone |
2 | Phil | Cooke | Winter Moorland |
3 | Hunter | Kennedy | Winter Treeline |
4 | Norman | McNab | Winter Field |
5 | Robert | Fulton | Winter Trees |
6 | James | Black | Winter Patterns |
7 | Mark | McColl | Winter Frost |
8 | Chris | Bonnington | Winter Mountains |
9 | Brian | Clark | Winter Solitude |
10 | Robert | Quig | Winter Shapes |
The 19th Nature Biennial 2018 was held in Oman. We required to submit 10 prints from 10 different authors on our chosen theme “Raptors with Prey” 28 Countries participated. The entry was Judged by three Judges, one from Luxembourg (representing FIAP), one from Kuwait and the other from Bahrain.
The Summary of the Results is as follows; 1st place went to Italy who are Winners of the FIAP World Cup for Nature Print. 2nd place went to the Russian Federation (FIAP Gold Medal), 3rd place to India (FIAP Silver Medal) 4th place to Turkey (FIAP Bronze Medal) and 5th place to Scotland, for which we receive a FIAP Honourable Mention. Great Britain (England, N Wales an N Ireland) did not enter the Nature prints.
Method of Scoring Used - It is important to be aware that all the Biennials are judged initially as “Individual Images” and then a “Coherence” mark is awarded by viewing the panel of images as a whole and taking into account the chosen theme of the entry.
Below are the list of authors and their photographs. Visit the Nature Gallery to see all of the submitted images (click here) or visit the NEW FIAP Website for more on this Biennial (click here)
1 | Sparrowhawk with Prey | Kenneth | Wilkie |
2 | Peregrine in Winter | William | McCance |
3 | Common Buzzard feeding on Rabbit | Edmund | Fellowes |
4 | Peregrine on Prey | Allan | Donaldson |
5 | Osprey with Fish | Richard | Bennett |
6 | Predator and Prey | Michael | Durham |
7 | Osprey with Prey | Michael | Cruise |
8 | White Tailed Sea Eagle with Prey | Andrew | Hayes |
9 | White Tailed Sea Eagle with Fish | Jim | Moir |
10 | Sea Eagle with Catch | Iain | McFadyen |
The 19th Nature Biennial 2018 was held in Oman. We required to submit 20 projected digital images from a minimum of 10 different authors on our chosen theme “Scottish Mammals” 33 Countries participated. The entry was Judged by the same three Judges as the Nature Print Biennial
Summary of the Results. We didn’t do as well in this one, coming in 16th place. The Russian Federation were in 1st place, winning the World Cup for Nature Digital. Great Britain (England, N Wales an N Ireland) finished in 8th place gaining an Honourable Mention.
Method of Scoring Used - It is important to be aware that all the Biennials are judged initially as “Individual Images” and then a “Coherence” mark is awarded by viewing the panel of images as a whole and taking into account the chosen theme of the entry.
Below are the list of authors and their photographs. Visit the Nature Gallery to see all of the submitted images (click here) or visit the NEW FIAP Website for more on this Biennial (click here)
1 | Grey Seal Suckling Pup | Andrew | Hayes |
2 | Grey Seal Pup | John | Hunter |
3 | Grey Seal at Dawn | Edmund | Fellowes |
4 | Sibling Rivalry | Robert | Humphreys |
5 | Mother Otter and Cub | Richard | Bennett |
6 | Red Squirrel about to Leap | Edwin | Willis |
7 | Squirrel on Tree Stump | Andrew | Hayes |
8 | Red Squirrel in Snow | Neil | MacGregor |
9 | Hare in Snow | Richard | Bennett |
10 | Hare Leaping in Snow | Gavin | Hanna |
11 | Winter Hare | Michael | Durham |
12 | Mountain Hare in Snow | Robert | Humphreys |
13 | Cairngorm Mountain Hare | Ian | Mitchell |
14 | Young Stag | Norman | McNab |
15 | Bellowing Red Deer Stag | Ian | Tully |
16 | Badger in Evening Light | Michael | Cruise |
17 | Stoat with Prey | John | Hunter |
18 | Pine Marten | Michael | Durham |
19 | Pine Marten on Branch | Michael | Cruise |
20 | Female Pine Marten | Ian | Mitchell |
The SPF were seeking images for potential use in the FIAP Biennial competitions early in 2018. These themes are now closed, but check back here for details of our next Call for Images and selected Themes
These competitions involve submitting Prints or PDIs to a host nation using a theme chosen by each entering Nation. As well as judging and marking each image in a traditional way, marks are also awarded to how closely each entry meets their own chosen theme.
It is therefore important that our own selection panel have a wide choice of submissions to choose from. Initially we would like to see the PDI versions of each image to enable a selection of each panel. These to be formatted in the normal way you would prepare for an internal club competition i.e. 1600 pixels long or 1400 pixels long, and emailed to Robert Fulton. See PDF below for full details and Robert's info.
The early 2018 Themes, chosen by the SPF are -
Natural History Section - “Scottish Mammals” “Raptors” These must comply with FIAP Natural History Definitions.
Black and White Section - “Trees in the Landscape” “People in Places” N.B. Coloured images are also welcome, as we can convert if selected.
Anyone who is a member of an SPF Club is eligible to enter FIAP Biennials. Entries must be submitted to the SPF, who will submit their strongest entry, on their chosen theme from the images received.
Clubs and Individuals cannot submit entries to FIAP themselves. These are competitions between Countries/Federations.
The 33rd FIAP Monochrome Biennial was Judged in Korea during the 2016 FIAP Congress. The SPF's entry was Environmental Portraits with the theme 'At Work and Rest'. Details of that entry are given below. You can view a gallery of our Mono Biennial Print Entry (click here)
Our entry finished in 12th place out of 48 countries.
Print No | Title | Author |
1 | The Tin Man | Anne Greiner |
2 | The Recycler | Jim Stevenson |
3 | The Machinist | John Smith |
4 | The Chicken Man | Clive Turner |
5 | The Radio Man | Rod Wheelans |
6 | The Cobbler | Roger Hinton |
7 | The Baker | John Wilson |
8 | The Printer | Peter Paterson |
9 | The Saddler | Libby Smith |
10 | The Spinner | Ken Lindsay |
2015 saw the SPF, PAGB and WPF jointly hosting the Judging and Exhibition of the 26th FIAP Colour Print Biennial. The Judging took place in June at Smethwick PS's Clubrooms. The Judges were Herbert Gmeiner EFIAP HonEFIAP (FIAP), Bob Moore HonFRPS AFIAP MPAGB HonPAGB (England) and Rod Wheelans FRPS MFIAP MPAGB HonPAGB (Scotland).
A wide range of photography was submitted to the competition by 26 Countries, and it turned out to be a very close fought competition, with Argentina winning by a one point margin, for which they were awarded the FIAP World Cup - Their chosen theme was 'Older Men in their Environment'. PAGB were second and received a FIAP Gold Medal, their theme was 'People in their Environment'; Ireland finished in 3rd place with their panel 'People Creatively' just one point ahead of Scotland in 4th, for which we received a FIAP Bronze Medal.
One of our Scottish authors, Gavin Forrest, Carluke CC, was awarded a FIAP Honourable Mention for his print Pink Dawn. The top individual Award went to Gabriel O'Shaugnessy of Ireland for Ibbs for which he was awarded a FIAP Gold Medal. His top image was used as the base for our exhibition poster; This together with more photographs of the Scottish Exhibition opening in November can be seen below.
The SPF chose the theme 'Winter Landscapes' for its entrya small taster has been given above. All ten of the SPF's Bronze Medal winning entry can be seen in our gallery section (click here)
Scotland have won various medals and Hounourable Mentions over the years in FIAP Biennials. Individual Authors have also been successful gaining Awards in their own right. However, our biggest achievement to date was winning the FIAP Van de Wijer Trophy and the FIAP World Cup for our collective results in two years of FIAP Biennials.
You can download a copy of our 2011 Exhibition Catalogue below which shows you some of the photos that were used in that winning entry. A book of our entries is was also available to purchase or view from Bob Books called 'Scotland - Champions of the World'. This is now unavailable.