FIAP Distinctions Applying

FIAP Photographic Distinctions are available to individuals who are members of SPF Clubs. Full details about FIAP Distinctions and how to apply is available from this area of this website. 

Firstly, you must participate in salons with FIAP patronage to gain acceptances. You require to keep a note of all the competitions you have entered. A full list of these qualifying Exhibitions (Salons) can be found on the FIAP Patronages website (click here) please check your Salon records against this for accuracy.

When you have completed the requirement, you can submit an application for the FIAP Distinction, but you require to have a new type FIAP Photographer's Card first. All applications for FIAP distinctions from Scottish Club Members must be made through the SPF not via the PAGB. As Scotland is a FIAP member country in it's own right you cannot make an Application via the PAGB even although you are also a PAGB member. The SPF is only permitted to submit applications to FIAP once a year, and our timetable for applications is different from that of the PAGB, SPF Applications open 1st March and close 15th May, with submission to FIAP made in June by the SPF.

*Paperwork for 2025 Now Available Below*

*The updated FIAP Salon File for March 2025 is also now available.* If you wish to make an Application in 2025 please request your personal copy now. This must be checked against your own record, before submitting your Application. 

NEW FIAP Nature Definition 2025 - Effective immediately for FIAP Salons

This new FIAP Nature Definition has been worked out together with officials from PSA and takes immediate effect for all salons/Exhibitions with FIAP and/or PSA Patronage.

NB - This is not relevant to SPF Competitions, the SPF Nature Definition still applies in that instance.

Applying for a FIAP Distinction in 2025

All applications for a FIAP Distinction by anyone living in Scotland must be submitted via the Scottish Photographic Federation.

Applications may be made to the SPF's FIAP Liaison Officer, following the details given below for the level of Distinction being applied for. The process opens 1st March with a deadline date of 15th May, except for MFIAP see details below.  The SPF are responsible for checking the information given before submission to FIAP. These dates give time for applications to be checked by us and replacement information supplied as required. We will confirm receipt by email within one week - please check your spam folder if you don't see an email. All applications will be forwarded to FIAP in a timescale to allow the mid-August certificate date to be maintained. FIAP now require three months to process applications. The following details apply for applications being made in 2025. We will update this page for any changes to future applications as soon as they come available to us.

  • All applications should be sent to be received by the SPF FIAP Liaison Officer Libby Smith between the 1st March and 15th May.
  • Please wait for paperwork for the year you are applying in appearing here before submitting any Applications (Current year of Application 2025). 
  • NEW - MANDATORY - Please request an up to date copy of your FIAP Salon File for the current year (2025) for checking against your excel sheet before submitting any application. See full details on 'Notes to Assist Applicants 2025' - *Salon File March 2025 now available*
  • Also please note that Print Acceptances are again a requirement of AFIAP and EFIAP for 2025 onwards. See additional details below.
  • Applicants for EFIAP can use their AFIAP results towards meeting the requirements for EFIAP.
  • Applicants for EFIAP Bronze will NOT be able to use any results towards their application that were gained before the date on their EFIAP certificate, which for SPF exhibitors has been Apr/May and from 2023 will now be August each year.

Please see full details available to download below for each of the levels of Distinction, which includes the SPF's submission requirements as well as guidance notes on making an application.

Applicants at all levels are advised to read the sections in the FIAP Book (click here)  from page 91 FIAP Document 011/2016 E and comply with these requirements set out in  Sections 8 and 9; and also comply with the following as applicable; Section 2 if AFIAP; Section 3 if EFIAP; Section 4 if EFIAP levels respectively.

It is also requirement that you hold a 'new style' FIAP Photographers 'Life' Card before you can apply for a FIAP Distinction, please see the details below.

FIAP Photographers (Life) Card Application

The FIAP Photographer's 'Life' Card is a credit card sized identification document for members. This card serves as an ID card and, unlike the old ‘Card’, carries a unique ID Number (FP-XXXXXXX) that will stay with you for life. Although having no status outside FIAP, the card can be very useful to show as a photographic credential.

FIAP rules require that the holder of a FIAP Distinction must also be the holder of their card. You must also be the holder of one of these cards to attend any FIAP Congress, AGM or FIAP Photo Meeting. It is now compulsory for all applications for this card to be made by the applicant via the FIAP Platform at (click here) Here you will set up a single free personal profile (FP) before ordering your Life Card.

Unless you already hold a FIAP Photographer's Life Card, you will need to obtain one to make your first application for a distinction. You will therefore have to obtain your card BEFORE you can apply for a FIAP Distinction. A FIAP Photographer's Life Card can also be obtained via the above process without applying for a FIAP Distinction. If a card requires replacement after being lost or stolen or requires amendment (eg, change of name) then the charge at the time plus postage and PayPal charges will apply.

When you open this web page there is a video explaining the process in detail. There is a charge of €50, plus postage and PayPal charges (through which, without exception, payment has to be made). After your personal profile is created, you will be notified by email that your account is active. You will receive an “FP Number” in 7-digit (FP-XXXXXXX) as the username for login and will be prompted to set your own password.

If you are already the holder of a FIAP Photographer's Life Card then, if you wish to have it updated e.g., after receiving a new distinction certificate, please see section below for details.

Current Ref 185/2021E and 187/2021

Updating a Photographer's (Life) Card with a New Distinction

Since 2021, if you wish to update your FIAP Photographer's Life Card after receiving a new distinction, then the process is different. When FIAP updates your “Personal Profile” with your new distinction, the platform generates an email to you inviting you to update your Life Card.

You will then need to access your “Personal Profile” on the myfiap platform, using your username and password, to request the updated card. It is not compulsory to update your Life Card: it is your choice. From 1st January 2021, this service is now free of charge.

After production of the new cards by FIAP, the new Life Cards will be sent in bulk, once a year, to your SPF FIAP Liaison Officer who will send them out to the Individual Photographers. This is likely to be after Certificates have been sent. Current Ref 185/2021E

General Notes for Making a FIAP Application

Please note that these notes apply to all applications whether for AFIAP, EFIAP or EFIAP Levels applications.

Please check all Salon Details number/year/country/circuit and Salon name against the full list of qualifying Exhibitions (Salons) which can be found on the FIAP Patronages website (click here) Make sure your excel sheet matches this for accuracy before you submit to the SPF.

Counting Countries - When assessing how many countries you have achieved, you should be aware that England, Scotland and Wales are regarded as different countries. Each will count towards the required total you have to achieve. This includes circuits with different countries within them where the different countries will count, provided that the actual judging of each salon in the circuit takes place in the country allocated to that salon.

Counting Salons and 'circuits' - A 'circuit' is a type of salon that in effect consists of more than one separately selected salon within the one event. So, if you were to enter 4 images into a section of the circuit, they would be subject to selection more than once; for example in the case of the Trierenberg Super Circuit, four separate times by different panels of Selectors. It is therefore possible for you to gain 16 acceptances from your four entries. Whilst you can, claim all these acceptances towards the overall number required for your distinction, a “Circuit” only counts as ONE salon for a number of other purposes. These are -

  • When assessing how many salons you have successfully entered in applying for an AFIAP or EFIAP award.
  • When applying for AFIAP of EFIAP in making up your Portfolio of 5 images and in EFIAP in relation to the requirement for two awards to be gained with different photographs and that the 2 awards must be from different countries and salons. This prevents the awards requirement being achieved from a single circuit and acceptance numbers for a portfolio image coming from one circuit.
  • When you are applying for any of the seven EFIAP Levels Distinctions, in respect of the portfolio requirements for a specified number of awards from a specified number of countries. Therefore no more than one award will count from any one circuit.
The AFIAP Distinction

The distinction "Artist FIAP" (AFIAP) is the first artistic distinction that can be obtained. It is awarded to photographic artists whose artistic qualities, technique and production of work have been acknowledged through their participation in international salons under FIAP Patronage.

The candidate for this distinction must:

  • Have taken part with success in international salons under FIAP Patronage for at least 1 year; i.e. your first FIAP-recognised acceptance must have occurred at least 12 months before you can be awarded your AFIAP certificate.
  • Have taken part with success in at least 15 international salons under FIAP Patronage in at least 8 different countries. In this respect a Circuit is to be considered as a single salon.
  • Have obtained at least 40 acceptances with at least 15 different works in international salons under FIAP Patronage.
  • For 2024 onwards include a minimum of 4 different works, which have each received at least one acceptance in “Print” salons under FIAP Patronage. 

Candidates for AFIAP distinction must submit: 

  • A completed application form using forms prescribed by FIAP (xls form which can be downloaded below) to be submitted electronically and on paper to the SPF, along with applicable fee when requested. NEW - MANDATORY - Please request an up to date copy of your FIAP Salon File for the current year (2025) for checking against your excel sheet before submitting any application. See full details on 'Notes to Assist Applicants 2025'.
  • A portfolio of 5 photographic works in the form of a digital file (minimum 3600 pixels on longest side). All the submitted works must have obtained 3 FIAP - recognised acceptances in different salons. In this respect a Circuit is considered to be a single salon.
  • A completed SPF Summary sheet (which can be downloaded below)

To submit an application, you must follow the procedure laid out in - “Notes to Assist AFIAP Applicants 2025” available to download below. The full AFIAP Pack of everything you require is available to download below.

Please read the section in the FIAP Book from page 91 on the following link (click here) and comply with these requirements set out in FIAP Document 011/2016 E Sections 2, 8 and 9.

Please ensure that all Salon Names and Salon Patronage Numbers listed on your xls form agree with those listed on the following FIAP Patronages website (click here) and ensure for Circuits that both the Circuit Name and the Individual Salon name and patronage numbers are listed against each acceptance.

When the AFIAP distinction is awarded, the candidate will receive a diploma and a badge with green enamel.

The EFIAP Distinction

The distinction "Excellence FIAP" (EFIAP) is awarded to photographic artists who, apart from having excellent techniques, have a significant number of their work often been accepted in many international salons under FIAP Patronage.

The candidate for this distinction must:

  • Must be the holder of AFIAP. You cannot receive your EFIAP award until at least 12 months after the date of your AFIAP certificate.
  • Have taken part with success in at least 30 international salons under FIAP Patronage in at least 20 different countries. In this respect a Circuit is to be considered as a single salon.
  • Have obtained at least 250 acceptances with at least 50 different works in international salons under FIAP Patronage.
  • Applicants for EFIAP can use their AFIAP results towards meeting the requirements for EFIAP.
  • For 2024 onwards include a minimum of 12 different works, which have each received at least one acceptance in “Print” salons under FIAP Patronage. 

Candidates for EFIAP distinction must submit: 

  • A completed application form using forms prescribed by FIAP (xls form which can be downloaded below) to be submitted electronically and on paper to the SPF, along with applicable fee when requested. NEW - MANDATORY - Please request an up to date copy of your FIAP Salon File for the current year (2025) for checking against your excel sheet before submitting any application. See full details on 'Notes to Assist Applicants 2025'.
  • A portfolio of 5 photographic works in the form of a digital file (minimum 3600 pixels on longest side). All the submitted works must have obtained 3 FIAP - recognised acceptances in different salons, and at least two works must have obtained an Award. These two awards must be from different countries. In this respect a Circuit is considered to be a single salon.
  • The portfolio of 5 photographic works submitted for EFIAP must not resemble in any way, or be similar to those submitted for AFIAP.
  • A completed SPF Summary sheet (which can be downloaded below)

To submit an application, you must follow the procedure laid out in - “Notes to Assist EFIAP Applicants 2025” available to download below. The full EFIAP Pack is available to download below.

Please read the section in the FIAP Book from page 91 on the following link (click here) and comply with these requirements set out in FIAP Document 011/2016 E Sections 3, 8 and 9.

When the EFIAP distinction is awarded, the candidate will receive a diploma and a badge with red enamel.

The EFIAP Levels Distinctions

In order to honour photographic artists who, after having received the EFIAP distinction, continue to actively participate in international salons under FIAP Patronage and, by so doing, help to promote photography with their new artistic production, FIAP has instituted seven additional EFIAP levels e.g. EFIAP/b, EFIAP/s, EFIAP/g etc.

The candidate for this distinction must:

  • Must be the holder of EFIAP award before applying for an EFIAP levels award, and have held that distinction for at least a year. 
  • Applicants for EFIAP Bronze will NOT be able to use any results towards their application that were gained before the date on their EFIAP certificate, which for SPF exhibitors is mid August each year (from 2023).
  • There must also be a twelve month period between applications for different levels of EFIAP levels Award.
  • For ALL EFIAP Levels distinctions, since the date on the Applicant’s EFIAP Distinction Certificate, using titles not used for AFIAP or EFIAP, in International salons under FIAP Patronage, you must have obtained in total at least the following - 
  • For the EFIAP/b 200 Acceptances with at least 50 different works from at least 5 countries
  • For the EFIAP/s 300 Acceptances with at least 100 different works from at least 10 countries
  • For the EFIAP/g 500 Acceptances with at least 150 different works from at least 15 countries
  • For the EFIAP/p 700 Acceptances with at least 250 different works from at least 20 countries

NB - Having achieved Bronze, you then need a further 100 acceptances from 50 more works for Silver to make the total of 300 from 100, and so on up the scale.

To submit an application, you must follow the procedure laid out in - “Notes to Assist EFIAP Applicants 2025” available to download below. The full EFIAP Pack is available to download below. 

Please read the section in the FIAP Book from page 91 on the following link (click here) and comply with these requirements set out in FIAP Document 011/2016 E Sections 4, 8 and 9.

Candidates for EFIAP levels distinction must submit: 

  • A completed application form using forms prescribed by FIAP (xls form which can be downloaded below) to be submitted electronically and on paper to the SPF, along with applicable fee when requested. NEW - MANDATORY - Please request an up to date copy of your FIAP Salon File for the current year (2025) for checking against your excel sheet before submitting any application. See full details on 'Notes to Assist Applicants 2025'.
  • A portfolio of the require number of photographic works for the level being applied for in the form of a digital file (minimum 3600 pixels on longest side). All the submitted works must have obtained Awards in a varying number of different countries and salons. (See FIAP Book for full detals) In this respect a Circuit is considered to be a single salon.
  • The portfolio of Award winning photographic works submitted for EFIAP levels are NOT accumulative and in each case must not resemble in any way, or be similar to those submitted for previous FIAP Distinction.
  • A completed SPF Summary sheet (which can be downloaded below)
The MFIAP Distinction

The distinction "Master Photographer of FIAP" (MFIAP) is awarded to a photographic artist in recognition of his/her entire achievements in the field of artistic photography. MFIAP is the third step, after AFIAP and EFIAP, in the FIAP distinctions awarded for personal successes in photography.

The candidate must be holder of the EFIAP distinction for at least 3 years, based on the date of the certificate.

The following procedure must be followed:

  • See separate sheet “Notes to Assist MFIAP Applicants 2025-6” - Please Note - Changes may apply to the below for the next Application which will be for 2026. Please contact the SPF FIAP Liaison Officer to ensure you have up to date details as soon as available.
  • The full MFIAP Pack is available to download below.
  • Please read the section in the FIAP Book from page 92 on the following link (click here) and comply with these requirements set out in FIAP Document 011/2016 E Sections 5, 8 and 9.

Any applications for MFIAP require to be submitted to SPF between 1st September 2025 and by 1st December 2025, for submission to FIAP for January 2026.

Please contact the SPF's FIAP Liaison Officer, if you require further advice.

Visit the FIAP website MFIAP area to see photos from photographers from throughout the world awarded MFIAP (click here) 

The following successful Scottish author's MFIAP panels are also available to view on the FIAP website;

To view Robert Fulton's successful MFIAP Panel (2015) (click here)   To view Peter Paterson's successful MFIAP Panel (2015) (click here)   To view Rod Wheelans' successful MFIAP panel (2008) (click here)   To view John Simpson's successful MFIAP panel (2006) (click here)