PAGB GB Cup - GB Trophy and NEW Masters of Print

All SPF Member Clubs are also affiliated to the PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain). The PAGB co-ordinates the interests of all its UK Member Federations and their Member Clubs. To this end the PAGB organises photographic events for its Federations and their Clubs and Club members.

The PAGB Club Events on this webpage can be entered by any SPF Member Club or SPF Club Member, without any prequalification being required.

The PAGB GB Cups and PAGB GB Trophy are Club events. Clubs who are interested in submitting their entries to these events do so, directly to the PAGB. Details are available below.

The Masters of Print is open to Individual Members of SPF Clubs - Details are available below.

SPF Club Results and Scottish Individual Awards from the last few years are also shown here.

Details of Closing Dates and Judging Dates for all of these Events are given below, but are also available from the SPF Diary area of this website (click here) to go to the Diary.

8th Masters of Prints Scottish Successes

The 8th Masters of Print closed for entries in Dec 2024, and once again Scottish authors did extremely well. The event was Judged in early December and followed by an Exhibition back at Birmingham in St Martin's Church in the Bullring with the opening and awards presentation day being held on Saturday 8th February 2025 to which all entrants were invited. Sponsors again will present their own prizes to their chosen prints at that event.

The Judges were Sue O'Connell (WCPF), Tillman Kleinhans (L&CPU) and Michael O'Sullivan (IPF) As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event, with 853 prints from 192 entrants. In addition to the Individual Entry, there was also a Club competition. Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well in the 8th Masters of Print. Of the final 60 works exhibited 11 were from Scottish authors. Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained acceptances – Michele Campbell, Brian Cathie, Margaret Elliot, Gaille Gray, Maybeth Jamieson, Ken Lindsay, Ian Mitchell, David Moyes, Rikki O'Neill, Cameron Scott and Keith Thorburn. Keith's photo One-Legged Meadow Pipit was also awarded a PAGB Silver Medal for Michael O'Sullivan's Judge's Choice.

One SPF photographer managed to make it 8 Masters of Print out of 8, a great achievement, so well done to Maybeth Jamieson of Dumfries!(one of only 3 photographers to do so). To see a list of all of this year's acceptances see the PAGB e-news special (click here)

We, as a Federation, did extremely well coming 2nd with 173 pts to L&CPU's 182 pts. We were represeted by 9 Clubs and 41 authors who entered a total of 173 prints. In the Club results Dumfries ended up as top Scottish club in both the Diamond and Gold Club awards, finishing 5th and 3rd respectively. Scottish Circle finished 9th in the Diamond Club and Dundee PS finished 8th in the Gold Club award. Next placed were Edinburgh 12th in the Diamond Club, and Kirkcaldy PS 11th in the Gold Club Award.

The exhibition will go on to be displayed at the Photography Show in London before going to Wilkinson’s at Carlisle again later in the year. Watch our SPF Diary page for details as soon as they become available. All of the Scottish Acceptances and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the following link (click here)

PAGB Photographer Eligibility From Apr 2024

NEW April 2024 - For Clubs with Photographers who are members of other Clubs outwith the SPF, or if they live outwith Scotland. Please ensure the Photographer and your Clubs read the following conditions before using their work in PAGB competitions.

The eligibility of a Photographer applies to a particular Club as part of an entry by the Club, or as part of an entry which references that Club. A Photographer who is, or has been, a member of more than one Club may be eligible via one Club but not via another. It is a universal requirement that a Photographer’s Images may only be submitted to one Event by one Entrant. The Photographer and Clubs must have clear arrangements in place to ensure this happens.

Clubs have the relevant information about their members and have primary responsibility for determining Photographer eligibility. Clubs should be prepared to explain the basis of a Photographer’s eligibility on enquiry from the PAGB, the Federation or the Photographer. Clubs will have a local catchment area covering distances which would allow members to attend physical meetings.

Members from another Federation recruited from outside that area can only be considered eligible to enter PAGB competitions via the Club after specific PAGB approval, which will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. If a Club is entering a PAGB Competition and there is doubt about eligibility, the Club should apply for a ruling from the PAGB. More details are included in the below PDF.

What Does this Apply to? - Further Guidance You may have noted in the revised General Conditions for PAGB Events including the Print Championship, Projected Digital Image Championship, GB Trophies, GB Cups and the Inter-Federation Competitions, "A Federation or Club, subject to the exceptions noted below, may only enter the work of member who resides in their Federation."

It was accepted that there might be some exceptional circumstances, such as a long term member who has moved home but who has maintained continuous membership and doesn’t compete with any other Club, so prior to entering any PAGB Event, a Club is permitted to submit a case via their Federation for acceptance of work by an individual for specific reason.

  • Note 1. The rule does not extend to the Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) or to the Masters of Print (MoP) which are individual entries, not Club entries. It is true that there are two Awards for Clubs in the MoP, but these are Sponsor Awards rather than PAGB Awards.
  • Note 2. Clubs and Federations are autonomous. They are free to set their own criteria and rules and this restriction does not apply to anything other than specified PAGB Competitions.

If you require advice please contact the SPF Executive Member (click here)

8th Masters of Print 2024-25 How to Enter

The 8th Masters of Print is open for entries. Online Entry closes 1st Dec 2024, with receipt of prints by 3rd Dec (to Rod Wheelans). The event will be Judged and selected on 7th and 8th Dec 2024. The Exhibition and opening will again be held in Feb 2025 st St Martin in the Bullring, Birmingham.

This event allows you to enter as an Individual or you can organise an entry on behalf of your Club. You should be a bona fide member of a Club affiliated to the PAGB (which all SPF member Clubs are) but you may only enter once per competition and for one Club each year. 

For full rules for the 8th MoP please visit the following documents on the PAGB Website (click here) and (click here) see also the event timetable (click here)

Please Note - We are seeking unfamiliar work and not images which already have an exhibition history. Therefore, no image should be entered which has been previously seen in a National or PAGB event or which has been published in an exhibition catalogue, including a DVD or on-line catalogue, and is not eligible if it has been accepted previously in any category of any previous masters of print Competition. Images which have only been seen inside the Entrant’s Club or in local inter-Club competitions or which have not been exhibited outside your Federation are eligible.

Exceptionally, images which have been used as part of a Club entry to the PAGB Inter-Club Print and/or PDI Championships in the same calendar year as entry to the Masters of Print are eligible.

An Image by a Photographer, or an Image so similar as to be nearly identical, may only be entered into one of the Categories.

Entries, either by an Individual or by a Club, must be made through the PAGB on-line Entries System called the CMS. This includes PDI copies of your prints 2400 pixels on the longest side.

Photographers may enter prints to any combination of the Monochrome, Colour and Nature Categories up to a maximum of 5 prints. 

Entry by a Club. The Club may collate the work of any number of Photographers, excluding any Individual who has already finalised their entry. 

Prints must be on A3 paper (420x297mm) and unmounted, with the Image any size or shape. Darkroom prints are permitted but should be trimmed to 420x297mm. Larger or smaller prints, including A3+ and 16”x12”, risk being disqualified without return of entry fee. Prints will not be returned.

The system provides a download of labels, with barcodes, which must be fixed to the back of each Print. When viewed from the back, the label should be placed as close as possible to the top right corner. In addition to the Print labels, the system provides a download of documentation to be sent to the Organisers with the Prints.  You can enter via the PAGB CMS Website (click here)

60 Prints are then selected for the Exhibition (max one per author), and awards are made to individual prints. In addition to this, you will receive a copy of this year's printed catalogue, which will feature all of the Accepted and Award winning photographs (one per page).

Successful entrants receive a very special unique bronze badge, a real symbol of honour and, on acceptance to a fifth MoP, they receive a silver version of the same badge. You too could secure one of these badges and, like other recipients, wear it with pride at photographic events.

Also, there are many valuable prizes given to pictures in the exhibition, chosen by our Sponsors. Paper, printers, cameras, and valuable gift vouchers have been presented. What might YOU win this year?

Entry as an Individual - A maximum of 5 prints may be entered, divided amongst the three Categories in any way. The fee for an Individual entry is £15.

Entry by a Club - The Club may collate the work of any number of Photographers, excluding anyone who has entered as an Individual. A maximum of 5 prints per Photographer may be entered, divided amongst the Categories in any way. The fee for a Club entry is £3 per print with a minimum Club Fee of £15.

Club Awards - Club Entrants will accrue points, and Individual Entrants will also accrue points to their Club score for Club Awards which are currently under review in conjunction with our sponsors.


PAGB GB Cups and GB Trophy 2025 How to Enter

The PAGB GB Cup and GB Trophy are Inter-Club competitions. They are both now open for entries for the 2025 competitions.

The online closing dates for all the above competitions is 1st March 2025. GB Trophy Prints should be received by 8th March 2025 (to Paul Radden). The Judgings will be held on the 29th and 30th March 2025.

Every club who is affiliated through a Member Federation (SPF) is eligible to enter. There is no pre-qualification for this event. The GB Cups are open for Projected Digital Images, and the GB Trophy for unmounted Prints. 

Entry is made online at the PAGB's CMS website (Competition Entry System) website. When this is complete, you will be able to print off a copy of your entry form, and in the case of the GB Trophies a set of labels. 

The PAGB GB Trophy has two categories Open and Nature, open to unmounted prints. Entry is FREE to this competition. For full details on how to enter for the next event (click here) and (click here) . The general Timetable for the next event is also available (click here).

The PAGB GB Cups are run as three separate competitions – GB Cup (Open), GB Cup (Nature) and GB Cup (Limited Eligibility). The cost of entry is 60p per image. For full details on how to enter for the next event (click here) and (click here). The general Timetable for the next event is also available (click here).

Participating PAGB GB Cup clubs qualify to download for free a self-running show of the best pictures from the PAGB CMS website, sufficient to fill an excellent Club evening. At least one of each club’s entry is always included. 


7th Masters of Print - Scottish Results

The 7th Masters of Print closed for entries on 3rd Dec 2023, and once again Scottish authors did extremely well. 

The event was Judged in early December and followed by an Exhibition back at Birmingham in St Martin's Church in the Bullring with the opening and awards presentation day being held on Saturday 3rd February 2024 to which many successful authors were able to attend. Sponsors again presented their own prizes to their chosen prints.

The Judges were subject to a last minute change due to health issues and were Gordon Jenkins (L&CPU), Chris Palmer (CACC) and Rod Wheelans (SPF), who was also the MoP chairman. As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event, even more so this year with a much higher entry than last year, 1374 prints from 347 entrants. In addition to the Individual Entry, there was also a Club competition.

Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well in the 7th Masters of Print. Of the final 60 works exhibited 11 were from Scottish authors.

Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained acceptances – Alan Givens, Anne Greiner, Lorna Hayton, Maybeth Jamieson, Peter Lawrie, Wanda Mackie, Teresa Mitchell, Rikki O’Neill, George Robertson, Keith Thorburn, Martin Watt. One SPF photographer managed to make it 7 Masters of Print out of 7, a great achievement, so well done to Maybeth Jamieson of Dumfries!(one of only 3 photographers to do so).

We, as a Federation, have again the highest number of prints entered 256, from 14 Club representing 67 photographers. SPF Clubs also did well in the Club Awards – Kirkcaldy PS finishing 3rd, and Dumfries CC 4th in the new CeWe Diamond award (Dundee PS 13th, Scottish Circle 17th, CKPS 19th, Ayr PS 21st).

The Scottish Circle finished 3rd in the Online Paper Gold Award, Dumfries CC 4th, Dundee PS 9th, Kirkcaldy PS11th and Ayr PS 17th.

The Exhibition opened at St Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham, at 2.00pm on Saturday 3rd February 2024. The exhibition went on to be displayed at the Photography Show before going to Wilkinson’s at Carlisle again in May.

You can also see the prints on display at Gracefield Galleries Dumfries late in the year. Watch our SPF Diary page for details as soon as they become available.

All of the Scottish Acceptances and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the following link (click here). Also visit the following news article to see photos of the awards presentation day (click here).

PAGB GB Cup and Trophy 2024 Scottish Results

The PAGB GB Cup and Trophy were Judged at end of January 2024 in Smethwick Clubrooms. We had two Scottish Judges on the panel, Rod Wheelans and Neil Smith, who was joined by David Smith from Surrey PA.

The results were as follows -

GB Cup Open – Top SPF clubs were Dumfries CC 4th 158, Kirkcaldy PS 5th= 157 and Paisley Colour PC and Edinburgh PS tied in 25th= 147

Best Overall Image went to Car Parts, Tbilisi by Anne Greiner, Dumfries CC. An HC went to Duo at the Door by Eion Johnston, Edinburgh PS.

GB Cup Nature – No SPF Clubs in top 20; PCPC, Dumfries and Edinburgh tied in 21st= 146 and Bon Accord was 27th= 145.

HC’s were awared to Sea Gooseberry by Moira Gardener, Kirkcaldy PS and Landing Gear Down by Jim Biscoe, Dingwall CC.

GB Cup LE – only 10 clubs entered – CKPS was 6th= 125. There were no individual awards in this section.

GB Trophy Open (print) – 21 Clubs entered. Top SPF Club was 3rd= Dumfries CC 165, next was CKPS in 13th=

HC went to Car Parts, Tbilisi by Anne Greiner, Dumfries.

GB Trophy Nature (print) – 16 Clubs entered. Only one SPF Club entered and finished 16th CKPS (Not a complete entry). There were no Individual Awards.

To see all of the top award winners visit the 2024 PAGB Gallery page (click here) or to read about the overall winner's details GB Cup (click here) 

2023 PAGB GB Cup and Trophy - Scottish Results

For the 2023 GB Trophies (Prints) there were 772 print submitted by 27 clubs to the two categories of Open and Nature. For the third year running there was no charge for entering prints. The Judging was held on 21st Jan 2023. The three judges were James Hardy (L&CPU), Adrian Lines (L&CPU) and Richard Speirs (NCPF).

Three Scottish Clubs entered the GB Trophy competitions this year, Dumfries CC, finished 4th in the Open section (163pts), Ayr finished 12th (140pts) and Kirkcaldy 16th (130pts). In the Nature Section no Scottish Club had a full Club entry. For a list of all of the GB Trophy Club Placings (click here), or you can view all of the award winnining images by visiting the PAGB gallery (click here) 

In the Open Section Individual Awards went to the following Scottish authors - Maybeth Jamieson, Dumfries CC for Round-Up (PAGB Silver Medal for a Judges Choice), David Moyes, Dumfries CC for Erasmus Bridge (Highly Commended), Maybeth Jamieson, Dumfries CC for Final Touches and for Thunder (both Highly Commended), Rod Wheelans, Dumfries CC for God is My Refuge  (Highly Commended), Anne Greiner, Dumfries CC for Mr Speaker  (Highly Commended). In the Nature Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - Icy Water Rail by Lorna Hayton, Ayr PS was awarded a PAGB Silver Medal for a Judges Choice.

For the 2023 GB Cups Open (Projected) there were 1491 PDIs submitted by 66 clubs; In the Nature GB Cup there were 1323 PDIs submitted by 63 clubs, and in the Restricted Clubs category there were 307 PDIS submitted by 14 Clubs. The Judging was held on the 21st Jan 2023. The three judges were John McVie (SPF), Jane Lines (L&CPU) and Paul Radden (EAF).

7 Scottish Clubs entered the GB Cup competitions this year, Paisley Colour PC, Kirkcaldy PS, Edinburgh PS, Dumfries CC, Dingwall CC, Bon Accord CC and Irvine CC.

In the Open section the top placed Scottish Club was Dumfries who finished 10th= (146pts). In the Nature section top Scottish Clubs were Paisley Colour PC 3rd= (149pts), Edinburgh PS finished 13th= (145pts) and Bon accord 19th= (144pts). For a list of all of the GB Cup Club Placings see below, or you can view all of the award winnining images by visiting the PAGB gallery (click here)  

In the Nature Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - David Wolfenden, Edinburgh PS for A Surge of Knots (Highly Commended).

To see all of the top award winners visit the 2023 PAGB Gallery page (click here)  or to read about the overall winner's details GB Cup (click here) 

6th Masters of Print 2023 - Scottish Results

The 6th Masters of Print closed for entries on 20th November 2022, a little later than normal, and once again Scottish authors did extremely well. 

The event was Judged in early December and followed by an Exhibition back at Birmingham in St Martin's Church in the Bullring with the opening and awards presentation day being held on Saturday 3rd February 2023 to which many successful authors were able to attend. Sponsors again presented their own prizes to their chosen prints.

The Judges were Louise Hill (MCPF), Armando Jongejan (Netherlands) and Leigh Preston (MCPF). As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event with 968 prints entered from 231 entrants. In addition to the Individual Entry, there was also a Club competition.

Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well in the 6th Masters of Print. Of the final 60 works exhibited 10 were from Scottish authors. The Scottish Photographic Federation was the 3rd most successful Federation overall, with 44 photographers from 8 SPF Clubs entering; Eastwood, Bon Accord, Kirkcaldy, Oban, Edinburgh, Dumfries, Ayr and Dundee. Two SPF Clubs finished in the top ten – Ayr and Dumfries. Top Scottish Club was Dumfries CC who entered 59 prints and came 3rd overall; 8th place went to Ayr PS who entered 25 prints, Kirkcaldy PS who entered 27 prints finished a very creditable 13th place, just missing out on the top 10 by 3 points.

Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained acceptances – Kirsten Bax, Ian Mitchell, Maybeth Jamieson, Gordon Rae, Martin Watt, Rikki O'Neill, David Moyes, Ruth Hayton, Margaret Elliot and Michele Campbell.

Congratulations also to David Moyes who won a PAGB Silver Medal for one of the Judges Choices with his print 'The Eye'. 

One SPF photographer managed to make it 6 Masters of Print out of 6, a great achievement, so well done to Maybeth Jamieson of Dumfries!

All of the Scottish Acceptances and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the following link (click here). Also visit the following news article to see photos of the awards presentation day (click here).

The Exhibition will go on to be shown at Liverpool, then Nottingham before coming to Wilkinson's in Carlisle, in May 2023 - see SPF Diary for dates.

5th Masters of Print 2021 - Scottish Results

The 5th Masters of Print closed for entries on 8th October 2021 and once again Scottish authors did extremely well. 

This was the second Masters of Print to be Judged in 2021 after the 2020 event was postponed due to Covid. The 2021 event was Judged as usual in late October and followed by an Exhibition back at Birmingham in St Martin's Church in the Bullring, with the awards presentation day being held on 4th Dec 2021 to which many successful authors were able to attend. Sponsors again presented their own prizes to their chosen prints, and Lockdown Hospital by David Moyes of Dumfries CC was chosen by Epson and won a printer.

The Judges were Anne Greiner (SPF), Niamh Whitty (IPF) and Mike Sharples (MCPF). As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event with 786 prints entered from 178 entrants. In addition to the Individual Entry, there was also a Club competition. Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well in the 5th Masters of Print with three SPF photographers winning awards.

Of the final 60 works exhibited 12 were from Scottish authors. The Scottish Photographic Federation was the most successful Federation overall, with 36  photographers from 11 SPF Clubs entering; Eastwood, Bon Accord, St Andrews, Kirkcaldy, Irvine, Oban, Moray, Edinburgh, Dumfries, Ayr and Dundee. Three SPF Clubs finished in the top ten – Ayr, Dundee and Dumfries. Top Scottish Club was Dumfries CC who entered 41 prints and came 3rd overall; 5th place went to Ayr PS and 9th place to Dundee PS.

Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained acceptances – Edmund Fellowes, Keith Beard, Maybeth Jamieson, Gordon Rae, Stan Farrow, Alastair Swan, Lesley Simpson, Rikki O'Neill, David Moyes, Lorna Hayton, Margaret Elliot and Michele Campbell.

Congratulations also to the three Scottish main award winners gaining acceptances and winning PAGB Silver Medals for  Judges Choices - Teachers Pet by Michele Campbell, Irvine CC; Creeping Ladies Tresses by Lesley Simpson, Edinburgh PS and Carpow Settlement Marker by Stan Farrow, St Andrews PS.

For 2021 a special Silver Masters of Print Badge was on offer for anyone managing to get one print in each of the 5 Masters of Print exhibitions. One SPF photographer received a Masters of Print Silver Badge for a great achievement so well done to Maybeth Jamieson of Dumfries for 5 out of 5!

All of the Scottish Acceptances and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the following link (click here).

The Exhibition went on to be shown at Wilkinsons's store in Liverpool in January 2022.

2022 PAGB GB Cup and Trophy - Scottish Results

For the 2022 GB Trophies (Prints) there were 833 print submitted by 27 clubs to the two categories of Open and Nature. For the second year running there was no charge for entering prints. The Judging was held on 22nd Jan 2022. The three judges were Erica Oram, Jane Lines and Nick Hilton.

Only one Scottish Club entered the GB Trophy competitions this year, Dumfries CC, who finished 5th in the Open section and 9th in the Nature Section. For a list of all of the GB Trophy Club Placings (click here) 

In the Open Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - Rod Wheelans of Dumfries CC for Wheel Man, for Best Environmental - PAGB Bronze Medal.

For the 2022 GB Cups (Projected) there were 3449 PDIs submitted by 90 clubs to the two categories of Open and Nature. The Judging was run over the 23rd to 25th Jan 2022. The three judges were Caroline Colegate, Rosemary Wilman and Chris Palmer.

7 Scottish Clubs entered the GB Cup competitions this year, Paisley Colour PC, St Andrews PS, Kirkcaldy PS, Edinburgh PS, Dumfries CC, Dundee PS and Dingwall CC.

In the Open section the top placed Scottish Club was Paisley Colour PC who finished 25th. In the Nature section top Scottish Clubs were Dumfries CC and Edinburgh PS who tied on 13th= For a list of all of the GB Cup Club Placings (click here)

In the Open Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - Stan Farrow of St Andrews PS for The Old Pocket Watch, for Best Still Life - PAGB Bronze Medal.

To see all of the top award winners visit the 2022 PAGB Gallery page (click here) 

4th Masters of Print 2020 - Scottish Results

Being run for the fourth time, initially it was decided not to run the Masters of Print in 2020, but in late 2020 it was decided it could run in a slightly different format. The closing date and Judging were delayed until April and May due to the pandemic. The Judges were Hunter Kennedy (SPF), Michael O’Sullivan (IPF) and Leigh Preston (MCPF). As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event with just over 850 prints entered.

In addition to the Individual Entry of the previous years, for the second timethere was also a Club competition. Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well this year with three SPF photographers winning awards.

Of the final 60 works exhibited 12 were from Scottish authors, the Scottish Photographic Federation was the 2nd most successful Federation overall with three Scottish Clubs in the top ten – Dumfries, Dundee and Kirkcaldy. Top Scottish Club was Dumfries CC who entered 30 prints and came 4th overall; 8th place went to Dundee PS and 10th place to Kirkcaldy PS.

Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained acceptances – Fungi and Slug by Mick Durham, Dumfries CC; Glasgow Armadillo by David Moyes, Dumfries CC; Safe by Maybeth Jamieson, Dumfries CC; Alignment by Alan Sharples, Dumfries CC; The Wedding Gift by Rikki O’Neill, Dundee PS; Wave by Ken Lindsay, Eastwood PS; Flower Girl by Michele Campbell, Irvine CC; Hooded Crow Perched in Tree by Keith Thorburn, Oban PC and Habitat Loss by Stan Farrow St Andrews PS.

Congratulations also to the three Scottish main award winners gaining acceptances and winning PAGB Silver Medals for Judge’s Choices – One Down Two to Go by Kate Russell, Dundee PS; Lockdown by Anne Greiner, Dumfries CC and Juvenile Pine Marten on Branch by Ian Mitchell, Bon Accord CC.

All of the  Scottish Accepted and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the following link (click here).

The SPF arranged for a copy of the printed full colour catalogue to be sent to all SPF Club Secretaries and Federation EC Members courtesy of Online Paper, the event sponsors.

PAGB GB Cup & Trophy 2021 - Scottish Results

The format of these events changed for 2021 in order to encourage more print entries. Additionally, to encourage print entries the maximum paper size allowed was changed to A4 and there was no charge for print entries.

The GB Trophies for prints and the GB Cups for projected images were held together as a coordinated set of events in January, however due to the pandemic it was necessary to delay the Judgings for both events until March. Both the GB Trophies and the GB Cups have an Open event and a Nature event. Clubs may enter any or all of the individual events without pre-qualification. For 2021 there was no longer a GB Cup (Small Clubs) competition.

41 Clubs competed in the GB Trophy (Print) events. The Judges were Alan Stopher, Andrea Hargreaves and Howard Tate. Only one Scottish Club entered the GB Trophy competitions in 2021, Dumfries CC, who finished 6th in the Open section and 6th in the Nature Section. 

In the GB Trophy Nature Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - Mick Durham of Dumfries CC for Fungi and Slug, for Judge's Choice.

For a list of all of the GB Trophy Club Placings (click here) or to read about the overall winner's details

120 Clubs competed in the GB Cup (PDI) competitions. The Judges were Gordon Jenkins, Richard Speirs and Howard Tate. 10 Scottish Clubs competed in the GB Cup competitions in 2021 Donside CC, Irvine CC, Dundee PS, Dingwall CC, Edinburgh PS, Kirkcaldy PS, Carluke CC, Dumfries CC, St Andrews PS and Paisley Colour PC.

In the GB Cup Nature Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - Gordon Rae of Dumfries CC for Dipper with Catch, which was awarded the Chairman's Medal. In the GB Cup Open Section one Individual Award went to a Scottish author - Michele Campbell of Irvine CC for Knit One, Purl One, which was awarded a Judge's Choice.

For a list of all of the GB Cup Club Placings (click here)  or to read about the overall winner's details

To see all of the top award winners visit the 2021 PAGB Gallery page (click here)

2020 PAGB GB Cup Open, Small and Nature - SPF Club Results

The Judges for both the Open and Small GB Cup were Andrea Hargreaves (YPU), Joan Blease (L&CPU) and Simon Allen (SPF). The Judges for the Nature section were Edmund Fellowes (SPF), Stephanie Cook (YPU) and Sandie Cox (WCPF).

Ten SPF Clubs entered the Open section of this new competition in 2020, and five made it to the top 30. Eastwood PS finished top Scottish Club in 7th Place, and Edinburgh PS in 9th place. Paisley Colour PC was to be the third best SPF Club in the competition finishing in 19th= place. Dumfries CC and St Andrews PS also made the top 30 overall.

One Individual Award went to an SPF Club member - Best Seascape (PAGB Bronze Medal) went to Ken Lindsay of Eastwood PS for 'Wave' 


Three SPF Clubs entered the Small Clubs GB Cup. Mid Calder finishing in 22nd= place, and Donside CC and Kirkcaldy PS both finishing on 12th=. One Small Clubs Individual Award went to an SPF Club member - Best Image went to Bob Humphreys of Donside cc for 'Morning Glow'


In the Nature section nine Scottish Clubs participated, three finishing in the top 20. Paisley Colour PC finished 10th=, Edinburgh PS finished 12th and Dumfries CC finished 13th=. One Individual Award went to an SPF Club member - Best Crustacean (PAGB Bronze Medal) went to Ken Gillies of Edinburgh PS for 'Peppermint Shrimp Inside a Sponge'


Full results can be downloaded below, or visit the PAGB's own web galleries for all of the winning photographs (click here)

2020 PAGB GB Trophy Open and Nature - SPF Club Results

Only one SPF Club entered either section of this unmounted print competition in 2020, Dumfries CC.

The Judges for the Open section were Andrea Hargreaves (YPU), Joan Blease (L&CPU) and Simon Allen (SPF). The Judges for the Nature section were Edmund Fellowes (SPF), Stephanie Cook (YPU) and Sandie Cox (WCPF).

In the Open section Dumfries CC finished in 7th Place, and 5th place in the Nature section. No individual Awards were won this year.

Full results can be downloaded below, or visit the PAGB's own web galleries for all of the winning photographs (click here)

3rd Masters of Print Scottish Results 2019

This is still a fairly new Competition, being run for the third time. This year the Judging was held in Chorley on 28th October. The Judges were Christine Widdall (L&CPU), Gabriel O’Shaughnessy (IPF) and Richard Speirs (NCPF). As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event.

In addition to the Individual Entry of the previous years, for the first time in 2019 there was also a Club competition.

Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well again this year with two SPF photographers winning two of the three Gold Medals. Of the final 60 works exhibited 11 were from Scottish authors.

In addition the Scottish Photographic Federation was the most successful Federation overall, with three SPF Clubs in the top 10, a great result given that photographers from only 9 SPF Clubs entered overall.

Top Scottish Club was Dumfries CC who entered 58 prints and came 2nd overall; 5th place went to Dundee PS and 6th place to Kirkcaldy PS. To see all of the Federation and Club results in a PDF (click here)

Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained the acceptances - Anne Greiner 'Geometric', Rikki O’Neill 'Stolen Heart', Sandra McNeill 'Jackdaw with Web', Eion Johnston 'Entwined', John Wilson 'Wings over Seilebost', Jean Robson 'Common Frog Mating Pairs', Maybeth Jamieson 'Don’t Look Down', Jean Burhouse 'Enchantress' and Kirsten Bax 'Physallis'.

Congratulatuons also to the two Scottish main award winners - PAGB Gold Medal for Best Monochrome Print went to John Smith for 'Dog Tired' and PAGB Gold Medal for Best Colour Print went to Wanda Mackie for 'The Last of the Roses' 

All of the Accepted and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the link below.

The Judging was followed by a public Exhibition in Birmingham at St Martin's Church in the Bullring for most of December. The Exhibition is being shown at various venues throughout the UK including Smethwick Clubrooms and Wilkinson's Liverpool store. 

For a PAGB e-news Special on the Masters of Print (click here)

PAGB GB Cup - Scottish Results 2019

The 2019 PAGB GB Cup for Open (Large) Clubs which was Judged in January, the Judges were Ralph Duckett, Marlyn Roberts and Tillman Kleinhans.

Seven Scottish Clubs competed - Edinburgh, Dingwall, Dundee, St Andrews, Eastwood, Bon Accord and Milngavie & Bearsden. Six finished within the top 40, with Dundee and DIngwall tying for 19th place with 167 pts. Top Scottish Club was Edinburgh in 18th place with 168 pts, 21 points behind winners Rolls Royce Derby (NEMPF).

No Individual Awards were won by Scottish Authors in the Open Section. 

Only four Scottish Clubs competed in the PAGB GB Cup for Small Clubs; Donside, Fort William, Kirkcaldy and Lanark. Three finished in the top 20 with Donside 19th equal on 104, Fort William 13th equal on 105. Kirkcaldy was the highest placed Scottish Club in this section finishing in an excellent 3rd place with 112 points, only 8 points behind the winners Mold CC. 

Again no Individual Awards were won by Scottish Authors.

Ten Scottish Clubs entered the PAGB GB Cup Nature section, two of whom finished in the top 15; The Judges were John Chamberlin, Duncan SK Hill and Gordon Rae. Eastwood and Dingwall finished equal 11th on 116, 13 points behind the winners Rolls Royce (Derby) and were the top SPF Clubs. Edinburgh and Dundee finished on 25th equal place scoring 112 points, and Bon Accord was 29th= with 111pts, so scoring was incredibly tight between the Clubs in this competition. 

One Individual Award went to a Scottish author in the Nature section; Sedge Warbler with Cranefly by Sandy Cleland was awarded the Best Small Bird Award.

Full details of all of the Club Positions and Individual Awards can be downloaded below, or you can visit the PAGB Website Galleries to see the Individual Award Winners for 2019 (click here)

2nd Masters of Print Scottish Results 2018

This new Competition was held for the second time in Dumfries on 30th Nov. The Judges were Jane Lines, Mike Sharples and Rikki O’Neill. The Judging was followed by a public Exhibition in London at the RK Burt Gallery.

Scottish Photographers did extremely well again this year’s Masters of Print competition. With only a maximum of 60 individuals work being exhibited (max 1 per author) it was a tightly fought event, resulting in one SPF photographer winning one of the main awards, and more winning Sponsor’s awards, including David Sadler winning a printer! Of the final 60 works exhibited 8 were from Scottish authors.

Congratulations go to - David Sadler, Brian Clark, Phil Cooke, Maybeth Jamieson, Al Buntin, Mick Durham and Ken Lindsay who all had a picture accepted. Congratulations also goes to Ian Mitchell from Bon Accord who received a PAGB Silver Medal.

Masters of Print Exhibition was exhibited at Gracefield Galleries, from 7th to 24th August 2019

PAGB GB Trophy 2018

This annual unmounted print competition saw a slump in entries in 2018. The Judges were Terry Donnelly (LCPU), Pax Garabedian (NCPF), Rod Wheelans (SPF), Anne Greiner (SPF), Andrea Hargreaves (YPU) and Neil Smith (SPF).

There was only one Scottish Club who entered this year’s PAGB GB Trophy Open section. Dumfries CC finishing 6th= place (158) . The winners were Arden Photo Group with 176 pts.

In the Nature Section, again only Dumfries CC entered from Scotland. They ended up in 4th place with 149 pts. The winners were Rolls Royce Derby from NEMPF with 171pts.

There were two Individual Awards presented to a Scottish author (one in each section); Grizzly with Catch by Gordon Rae, Dumfries CC was awarded the ‘Best Like George’ award. Maybeth Jamieson, Dumfries CC was awarded the Best Street Life award in the open section for ‘When I Grow Up’.

Full details of all of the Club Positions and Individual Awards can be downloaded below.

2018 PAGB GB Cup - SPF Club Results

Several Scottish Clubs competed in the 2018 PAGB GB Cup for Open (Large) Clubs which was Judged over the weekend of 21st Jan; The Judges were Judith Parry, Marlyn Roberts and Richard Spurdens.

St Andrews, Dingwall, Bon Accord, Paisley Colour, Edinburgh, Eastwood, Milngavie & Bearsden, Dundee, Carluke and Dumfries. Six finished within the top 40, with Bon Accord finishing in 11th equal place(168), Edinburgh in 10th place (169). Top Scottish Club was Carluke in 4th place (178), 11 points behind winners Rolls Royce Derby (NEMPF).

Two Individual Awards were presented to Scottish Authors in the Open Section - In the Midday Sun by Hunter Kennedy from Carluke CC was awarded the Best Soft Focus Image and Sand Patterns by Brian Clark from Dundee PS was awarded the Best Beach Image.

Only three Scottish Clubs competed in the PAGB GB Cup for Small Clubs; Donside, Kirkcaldy and Mid Calder. The Judges were Roger Parry, Marlyn Roberts and Richard Spurdens. Kirkcaldy was the highest placed Scottish Club in this section finishing in 11th equal place (112), only 7 points behind the winners Oldham PS (L&CPU). Donside finished just one point behind Kirkcaldy in 13th place.

One Individual Award was presented to a Scottish Author in the Small Clubs Section - Moody by Alan Knox from Donside CC was awarded the Best Moody Portrait Image.

Eleven Scottish Clubs entered the PAGB GB Cup Nature section, three of whom finished in the top 15; The Judges were Bill Hall, Duncan SK Hill and Gianpiero Ferrari. Dundee PS finished in 15th place (123pts), Edinburgh PS finished in 10th equal (125pts). Dumfries finished top Scottish Club in 6th equal place (126pts) 11 points behind the winners Chorley PS (L&CPU). 

One Individual Award went to a Scottish author in the Nature section; Brown Bear Fight by Gordon Rae of Dumfries CC for Best Confrontation Image.

Full details of all of the Club Positions and Individual Awards can be downloaded below.

1st PAGB Masters of Print 2017

This new PAGB Masters of Print Competition was held for the first time in October 2017, and will thereafter be held annually. The Judging is followed by a public Exhibition. Individual Photographers who are members of affiliated Clubs may enter directly, without any pre-qualification.

Photographers may enter prints to any combination of the Monochrome, Colour and Nature Categories up to a maximum of 5 prints. Prints are then selected for the Exhibition (max one per author), and awards are made to individual prints. In addition to this, you have the chance of winning a sponsor's award if you are selected for the Exhibition - There were some very high value prizes to be won in 2017 and 2018!

Awards and Selections for the Exhibition will also be published in the Exhibition Catalogue. Scottish Authors did very well in the last two years (see below for details) so why not give it a try?

The Masters of Print Exhibition 2017 travelled to various different venues after the opening Exhibition. It was brought to Scotland, and ran from the 31st Oct to 17th Nov 2018 at Gracefield Galleries Dumfries. An Exhibition opening was held on the afternoon of the 1st Nov 2018. For more on the 2017 Scottish Results see below.

1st Masters of Print Scottish Results 2017

Scottish Photographers did extremely well in the first Masters of Print competition 2017. With only a maximum of 60 individuals work being exhibited it was a tightly fought event, resulting in four SPF photographers winning Medals, and more winning Sponsor's awards. Full details of the Medals and Sponsor's Awards can be downloaded below.

Of the final 59 works exhibited 10 were from Scottish authors. Congratulations go to - Eion Johnston (Gold Medal), Clive Turner (Silver Medal), Gavin Forrest (Silver Medal), Mick Durham (Silver Medal), Maybeth Jamieson, Gordon Rae, John McVie, Martin Watt, Mike Cruise and Stephanie Wilkie.

All of their photos along with the other 49 exhibited works and prize winners can be viewed in the exhibition catalogue available below.

The Exhibition ran in Dec 2017 at the RK Burt Gallery, 57 Union Street, London SE1 1SG, followed by showings at Smethwick and in Wales.

The 2017 Masters of Print Exhibition was also brought to Scotland, and ran from the 1st Nov to 17th Nov 2018 at Gracefield Galleries Dumfries. 

2017 PAGB GB Cup - SPF Club Results

Several Scottish Clubs competed in the 2017 PAGB GB Cup for Large Clubs; St Andrews, Dingwall, Bon Accord, Paisley Colour, Edinburgh, EAstwood and Dumfries. Six finished within the top 40, with Eastwood finishing in 12th place, and Dumfries in 2nd, only two points behind winners Arden Photo Group (MCPF).

One Individual Award was presented to a Scottish Author - Slow Day by Maybeth Jamieson was awarded the Best Travel Image and awarded a Bronze Medal.

Only three Scottish Clubs competed in the PAGB GB Cup for Small Clubs; Donside, Kirkcaldy and Brechin. Brechin was the highest placed Scottish Club in this section finishing in 14th equal place, 15 points behind the winners Warrington PS (L&CPU).

Eleven Scottish Clubs enterd the PAGB GB Cup Nature section, five of whom finished in the top 10; EAstwood, Edinburgh, EAstwood, Paisley Colour and Dumfries. Dumfries finished in 5th equal place and Paisley Colour PC in 10th Equal. The winners were Rolls Royce Derby (NEMPF).

Again Scottish authors did well individually, with Mick Durham being Awarded Best Action Bronze Medal for Predator an Prey, and Gordon Rae a Bronze Medal for Best Mammal for Watching Mum. Gordon also went on to be equal winner of the PAGB Nature Photographer of the Year for which he was awarded a Gold Medal, sharing the title with Gianpiero Ferrari (MCPF).

There were only two Scottish Clubs who entered the PAGB GB Trophy Open section in 2017. Dumfries CC finishing 9th place (140) and was top Scottish Club with Carluke in 13th place (134). The winners were Arden Photo Group with 164 pts.

In the Nature Section, only Dumfries CC entered from Scotland. They ended up in 7th place with 140 pts. The winners were Rolls Royce Derby from NEMPF with 171pts.

There were no Individual Awards presented to a Scottish author in either section.

Full results of all of the Clubs that competed as well as all of the Individual Awards can be downloaded below.

2017 PAGB GB Trophy - SPF Clubs Results
2016 PAGB GB Trophy - SPF Club Results

There were only two Scottish Clubs who finished in the top 25 places of this years PAGB GB Trophy Open section. Both made it to the top 10, with Dumfries CC finishing top Scottish Club in 3rd Place, and Carluke in 7th place. 

There was one Individual Award presented to a Scottish author in the Open section. Paul Keene's Judge's Award went to Robert Hendry of Carluke CC for Loyal Companion.

In the Nature section one Scottish Club was to finish in the top 20, Dumfries CC. Dumfries ended up with a tremendous result lifting the trophy for the Best Club in the Nature Section, two points a head of 2nd placed Chroley PS.

There were three individual awards presented in the Nature section to Scottish authors, all to members of Dumfries CC. Predator and Prey by Mick Durham, and Watching Mum by Gordon Rae both picked up Judge's Awards. Grumpy Sparrowhawk by Gordon Rae also received an individual award the 'Best Like George Award'.

2016 PAGB GB Cup - SPF Club Results

Please see below the full placings for the PAGB GB Cup 2016.

A number of Scottish Clubs did well in the competitions, but congratulations must go particularly to Eastwood Photographic Society who finished 2nd Equal in the Open Clubs competition - A great result! You can see their 2nd placed entry in the galleries section of this website (click here)

In the Open Clubs Competition another 5 Scottish Clubs made it in to the top 20 Clubs -  Paisley Colour PC 12th=, Carluke CC 15th, Edinburgh PS 16th, St Andrews PS 17th= and Dumfries CC 19th.

In the Small Clubs Competition no Scottish Clubs reached the top twenty. Deesdie Camera Club was top SPF Club in this section with a score of 102.

In the Nature Clubs Competition SPF Clubs faired better again with top Scottish Club being 9th= placed Paisley Colour PC two points ahead of 12th= placed Bon Accord CC. No other SPF Clubs reached the top 20 of the Nature competition. To see Paisley Colour PC's top 10 nature images (click here)

2015 PAGB GB Cup - SPF Club Results

12 Scottish Clubs entered at least one of these three events in 2015. These clubs varied greatly in size and location, one of the attractions of a CD on offer for free, and a Small Clubs competition as well as the Open for Larger clubs.

In the Nature Cup three Scottish Clubs finished in the top 30 with Dumfries finishing 7th=.

In the Small Cup only Donside finished in the top 30, finishing 28th=.

In the Open Cup we had five Scottish Clubs in the top 30, with Bon Accord and Kilmarnock finishing in 31st=. Top Scottish Club was Carluke CC in 6th place, with Dumfries just one place behind. Eastwood also made the top 10 finishing 9th. Kilmaurs finished 21st and St Andrews 27th=.

A number of Individual Awards were won by Scottish Authors from these Clubs.

In the Open (Large Clubs) section individual awards went to Gavin Forrest of Carluke for Tulips, Best Still Life; Ken Lindsay of Eastwood for On Jokulsarlon Beach, Best Seascape and Anne Greiner of Dumfries for My Ducky, Best Environmental Portrait.

In the Nature Section individual awards went to Bill Terrance of Kilmaurs for Black Grouse Displaying, Best Bird.

2015 PAGB GB Trophy - SPF Club Results

Seven SPF Clubs entered the Open section of this new competition in 2015, and four made it to the top 30. Dumfries CC finished top Scottish Club in 6th Place, and Carluke in 8th place. Kilmarnock PC was to be the third best SPF Club in the competition finishing in 12th place. Kirkcaldy PS also made the top 30 overall.

Two of the Individual Awards went to members of SPF Clubs - Best Creative Colour went to Libby Smith, Carluke CC for Ooops! and Best Colour Travel went to Anne Greiner, Dumfries for Twinkletoes.

In the Nature section three Scottish Clubs participated, two finishing in the top 20. Dumfries finished 9th and Donside finished 16th=.