The PAGB Inter-Federation Competitions are held each June annually. Federations submit entries from the members of their affiliated Clubs, each May, usually in four sections – Monochrome Print, Colour Print, Open PDI and Nature PDI, but this year due to Covid only the two digital sections were run.
These images have been chosen from our SPF Digital Championship 2020 and SPF Annual Portfolios 2020. We thank both Clubs and Individuals for their entries without which we'd be unable to enter this event. This gallery shows all of the SPF Images used in our Open and Nature section entries.
Trophies are awarded to the winning Federations. PAGB medals and ribbons are awarded to the top individual entries in each section. A selection of the highest scoring entries form a Digital Exhibition which will be available from the SPF Recorded Lecture Secretary later the same season (click here) for details.
If you want to see who had their images accepted, or to find out the SPF individual scores and overall results together with all of the Individual Award winner's please visit the following page of our website (click here)