7th Masters of Print Exhibition - Scottish Successes

The 7th Masters of Print Exhibition opened at St Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham, and the awards presentation day was held on Saturday 3rd February 2024 to which many successful authors were able to attend. This page shows all of the successful Scottish photographers who were able to attend on the day.

Look out for the 7th MoP Exhibition coming to Gracefield Galleries, Dumfries at the end of 2024! and details of the 8th Masters of Print which opens for entries on 1st Sept.

As only 60 prints from 60 authors are accepted, it is always a very tightly fought event, even more so this year with a much higher entry than last year, 1374 prints from 347 entrants.

Once again Scottish Photographers did extremely well in the 7th Masters of Print. Of the final 60 works exhibited 11 were from Scottish authors.

Congratulations go to the following successful Scottish authors who gained acceptances – Alan Givens, Anne Greiner, Lorna Hayton, Maybeth Jamieson, Peter Lawrie, Wanda Mackie, Teresa Mitchell, Rikki O’Neill, George Robertson, Keith Thorburn, Martin Watt. One SPF photographer managed to make it 7 Masters of Print out of 7, a great achievement, so well done to Maybeth Jamieson of Dumfries!(one of only 3 photographers to do so).

The Judges were subject to a last minute change due to health issues and were Gordon Jenkins (L&CPU), Chris Palmer (CACC) and Rod Wheelans (SPF), who was also the MoP chairman.  In addition to the Individual Entry, there was also a Club competition.

We, as a Federation, have again the highest number of prints entered 256, from 14 Club representing 67 photographers. SPF Clubs also did well in the Club Awards – Kirkcaldy PS finishing 3rd, and Dumfries CC 4th in the new CeWe Diamond award (Dundee PS 13th, Scottish Circle 17th, CKPS 19th, Ayr PS 21st).

The Scottish Circle finished 3rd in the Online Paper Gold Award, Dumfries CC 4th, Dundee PS 9th, Kirkcaldy PS11th and Ayr PS 17th.

All of the Scottish Acceptances and Award Winning prints can be seen in the following SPF gallery (click here) or you can view all 60 of the Acceptances and Award Winners by viewing the Masters of Print Catalogue from the following link (click here)