SPF Members who are close to submitting a FIAP Distinction who may only be short of a few Print acceptances please read the following change as you may be able to submit an application this year (by Mid-January 2021). Please read the following in conjunction with the full requirements on our dedicated FIAP Distinctions webpage (click here)
The Director FIAP Distinctions Service has written to all FIAP Liaison Officer stating the following changes: Due to the many problems with the postal services around the world, caused by the Covid-19, FIAP have made the following decisions that ONLY apply to Distinctions applications lodged in 2021:
1. For AFIAP and EFIAP Distinctions, there will be no requirement for acceptances in “print” salons. This temporary measure relates to rules 2.2.d and 3.2.d of the FIAP Distinctions Document 011/2016.
2. For MFIAP applications in 2021, the portfolio, which is normally sent as prints, must be sent ONLY as digital files. The portfolio of photos must be sent to FIAP as high resolution, high quality digital files, by WeTransfer, together with the application form. DO NOT send prints to FIAP for applications in 2021. DO NOT send photos on a CD-ROM to FIAP.
3. For All Distinctions applications in 2021, the original signed pages A and B of the Distinctions application form can be scanned and sent electronically via WeTransfer. This gives FIAP the possibility of speeding up the application process. The original pages A and B still need to be posted such that FIAP receive them prior to the following year’s applications arriving. The same requirement applies to any forms scanned and sent electronically during 2020.
This is also available as a PDF download (click here)
If you require further assistance please contact our FIAP Liaison Officer Terry Railley (Contact Terry)