Does Your Club Need Judges or Speakers?

Does your Club struggle to get Judges or Speakers? Are you looking for new Judges or Lectures in your area? I'm sure the answer is yes! In a few years the issue will be worse unless we get more volunteers now!

Many long term SPF Judges and Speakers have retired over the past four years, after having served our Scottish Clubs in either capacity for many years (some over 50!). Some may still be Judging or Lecturing in a limited capacity, but they may not do so for long.

Although a few individuals have volunteered to take on the role of Judge or Speaker in recent years, this has not replaced the number of Judges or Speakers we have lost.

In a few years the issue will be much worse, we need Clubs and Individuals to persuade individuals to volunteer now, to ensure our Clubs all have Judges and Speakers available to visit us at our Clubs.

Worried about what you are committing to? You take on as much or as little as you want to, or what your circumstances will allow. If you only want to do 5 Judgings or talks a year, that is still 5 less that require to be filled by someone else.

Our existing Judges and Lecturers are overrun with invitatations from Clubs to fill a slot on their syllabus, they simply can't take on more so why not get in touch with the SPF now and have a chat to find out more about becoming an SPF Judge or Lecturer?

Contact Libby on 01555 750737 or to email (click here)  You can also find out more on our NEW dedicated webpage (click here)