160th Edinburgh International Exhibition opens 3rd August

We are pleased to announce that the 160th Edinburgh International Exhibition of Photography Exhibition 2024 for Prints will be open to view very soon.

The Exhibition will once again be part of the Edinburgh International Festival Fringe and be open for viewing from August 3rd through to August 25th at Edinburgh Photographic Society’s premises in Edinburgh’s New Town (A UNESCO World Heritage Site). The Edinburgh Festivals draw thousands of International visitors to Edinburgh and the Edinburgh International Exhibition receives thousands of visitors each year.

The prestigious Edinburgh International remains one of the few print only photographic salons in the world. Achieving an acceptance remains a sought after goal for many photographers world-wide. The number of awards has been increased this year. We now have a total of 41 awards to recognise the quality of the work submitted to Edinburgh. A very high percentage of accepted images will now receive awards. Like previous Edinburgh Internationals we have only two print sections Mono and Colour, both open subject. 

Visit our website at (click here) .

Alexander D. Berndt ARPS EFIAP, Chairman & Secretary