The PAGB Inter-Federation Competition Judging 2024 was open again to Prints only with three Sections being Judged Colour, Mono and Nature where up to 30 prints per section could be submitted by each Federation, with the top scoring 15 counting to the overall Federation placing.
The SPF made up this year's entry by making a selection from prints entered into this year's SPF Print Championship, and we are very grateful to the Clubs and Individual Photographers who gave us their work to use from the Championship, together with those who gave us additional prints if our selected print wasn't available. We entered 30 Colour Prints, 29 Mono Prints and 28 Nature Prints.
This gallery shows our entry.
You can find all of the Individual Results for our Scottish authors, together with the final placings of all of the PAGB Federationson our dedicated webpage (click here)